Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

let me take you back to 8th grade

school dance

I am out there, me and like my 1 friend who will actually dance with girls
I wonder where my friends are
I head to the bathroom
In there, 8 nerds, all playing fucking minecraft on their phones together

so i’m the guy who’s always like “y’all should do x outgoing thing” and they are like “no”

luckily our friend group has 1 other outgoing guy now

social distancing hasn’t changed my daily routine

because im like 100/0 up on you sister

you seem like someone who’s taken taekwondo classes

I don’t know tbh

because if it’s a question of ‘does this person have the balls to put themselves in uncomfortable social situations’ or not then I’d reply yes
I do kind of exist in this void of wanting to talk to people but not really caring enough

Kat you and i both know that i could beat you up

The only thing you have on me is height/size

I kickbox


I did before quarantine

if you actually believe that then ur dumb

the only thing you have on me is the fact that i may or may not injure my wrist in the process

yah doesnt shock me

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you definitely seem like someone who would do/does martial arts of some form

and people who do martial arts are usually good at figts

My neighbors are probably really annoyed at me now I’ve been going outside daily and making a ton of noise by kicking my soccer ball against the house

I have another major advantage but i wont tell everyone since idk if you want it public :^)

I’ve written up 20 emails to 20 different people 2 days ago
None of them have responded

fucking kill me

this is your only advantage

also what you’re thinking of doesn’t apply for science reasons

I dont think i’d ever actually fight anyone unless my life or a loved one’s life were in danger

But kat is an exception

i’m assuming job hunting?


I won’t go in further detail since privacy

you fighting me would mean you are in danger