Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I love how

I’m in the spec chat for champs

But I only go there when Litten pings me with something really random


wait why are my things white now wtf

were these not colored?

am i crazy?

I’ve never used that menu so I wouldn’t know

I think it’s funny how it says FAQ (new) even though it’s been there for 4 years now

light mode is evil
I changed to it for about 10 seconds and I already hate it

No I believe it used to be blue colored

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it turns out you do not want to play popcorn with more then 7 people

It’s hard to gauge people’s alignments when they are all spamming the thread D:

i literally posted this an hour ago

its fine.
its not like discord light mode which is objectively trash
it actually changes the color scheme, to one that works with the light colors (again, not like discord)

also its way easier on my eyes funnily enough

personal taste, but I get

bright text on a dark backround is blurry
the reverse is not

I use grey amber

It’s more of a mild color




i can’t scratch the shit out of you without getting closer first


Oh god.
My mum made me let my sister play roblox on my account for two hours.

this just in:
move out ansrete best ship is now marshovel

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