Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Oh god this is making me laugh way too hard.


my pets all hate the roomba

I feel so bad for the cat getting pushed under the sofa but it’s also fricking hilarious.

its a very cat-level of “not giving a fuck”

I’m pretty sure they didn’t want to get pushed under it.

no but they had obvious solutions and kinda just sat and tried to fight back

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Throwback to when I tried to assassinate Hippo in clown fiesta but could only draw my actions

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which of those images represent me?

you probably had an emoji pfp at the time

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This is my progress so far…

The only button that does anything is the ‘Export’ button which says Hello
But behind the scenes there is like 20 lines of code doing that
Because it’s tied to a function

I just gotta figure out how to have something print things I’ve defined as IDs

ill find a way to break it in 15 seconds


I mean, that’s probably not that hard.

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I’m already doing that

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I keep screwing up, searching up how to fix it, wording it wrong and finding more functions I need for different things
I search up “How to print an input in javascript” and it gives me a way to create multiple input boxes which is what I need for letting the user create more ability boxes



throw them in the dryer
they look like they just got out of the washing machine


things ?might? be calming down

for definitions of ‘calming down’ that mostly mean ‘fewer things are on fire’ rather than ‘the situation is objectively improved’


generally less things on fire is better than more things on fire

this may not be an objective fact but it probably holds true for your situation