Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

let’s see… Demon Hunter is still strong because of dumb shit that should never have been printed like Skull of Gul’Dan

well yea i can breathe

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not if you have a shit ton of gold that you don’t know how to spend :stuck_out_tongue:

Shaman is generally terrible right now but on the other hand we’re in the bullshit timeline where Totem Shaman is viable, somehow

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Ok, may I ask why?

the fact that Totem Shaman, a deck that people have been calling a meme for ages, is actually a serious deck is the one highlight of Ashes of Outland

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That doesn’t seem to be my fault :kappa:


Elune give me strength, bitch

Honestly, Not talking about hearthstone (I was a warrior main when i did play it), Shaman is honestly one of my favourite classes in any rpg ever.

I just love how you can use the power of the elements at your command. Elemental Shaman is such a favourite of mine

This Gul’Dan is about to be pwned
Get ready


brb makin a fan fic

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Oh boi.

Don’t make me a bottom, please

warlock is strong
do not underestimate warlock
what ranked league are you in, by the way?
i’m currently at Silver 4 because the season’s just begun shush

He just forfeited against me

It’s Gul’Dan again

play me :stuck_out_tongue:

what deck are you playing?