Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

but fuck it let’s laugh at purify again
what a hillariously bad card

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listen my iq is 69 mr solar car

until they came up with fucking silence priest
why is that an archetype

Silence Priest would be cool if it actually worked tbh


as of now it just feels stupid as shit to get an Unsleeping Soul off a Renew

did you buy her with money or… how much gold have you been saving up???

she’s free right now i think lmao
or was that nemsy

She’s free in the store right now

have you been trying to buy the adventures with gold??? NEVER BUY THE ADVENTURES WITH GOLD! It’s just not worth it!

I’m impressed you managed to make it to the double digits


oh, she’s still free
i wouldn’t know because i got her ages ago

What a lucky day
I just wanted Tyrande and it’s free

it is tho
adventures are fun :stuck_out_tongue:

yes but resource-wise it’s terrible

@Moleland I blame you for this

anyway it’s time for funny
4 mana 7/7s, anybody?

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Dr. 7 anybody?


this video did not age well

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So what you’re saying is

It did not age like wine