Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

this is possible

what else am I going to do in quarantine

‘pay attention to your classes’

Tbh I also frequently see a lot of villagers just clogging the thread with random mech info such as in RM4 where late D2/most of D3 was basically flooded with mech talk and convert speculation.

This doesn’t contribute to gamesolving at all and just fluffs the thread.

thats exactly whats happening
people get called slanker even when they have 50+ posts made on the day

Why even bother with a hypothetical that you are 100% confident will never happen?

I thought… you of all people would have the most energy to read the whole thread :eyes:

This is true as well, but it’s phase 2. Phase 1 should be “stop posting so much.”

I mean, that’s fine. How much someone can read depends on people’s free time.

Eh, my issue with this is that sometimes a person with 50+ posts has little or no AI-related content.

I care more about quality over quantity.

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I really think the postcount thing is the primary reason why villages get dunked on. You can’t possibly analyze everything, which is especially horrendous if the wolves are the ones fluffing the postcount.

that was the point of my comment

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Because noone else but you knows that you are town. Literally noone else. Do you really read the game only out of your perspective, or do you try to do a general read as well?

Which should just mean cut down on fluff, speculation, and mech-talk.

Fluff and memes go into the cookie thread, speculation is basically just wild-mass guessing, and mech-talk shouldn’t really happen unless you think it’s AI.

Mech talk is extremely important and helps to solve the game
But faking mechs (as town) is so common now that it’s hard to see who’s faking and who not

(I’m not talking about fully closed games, beg my pardon)

We’re bringing up things like “no re-evaluation,” “misclearing and forgetting,” etc., but most of that happens because people can’t reasonably re-read the thread. There’s no time for it, and even if people have the time, they don’t have the motivation.

If you have to re-read, village motivation is already sparse, because it most likely means that the wolves are on the cusp of winning. Having a massive thread filled with hyperposting and repeated information just makes it even more difficult for the village and breaks their spirit completely, making them rely on what’s “in the moment” instead. Obviously, they can’t win like this, but the alternative (re-reading the whole thread) appears to be an impossible task and simply doesn’t happen.


You can tell someone to “re-eval” and they won’t. Not because they don’t understand the value of it, but because the thread has over 10000 posts and you have to re-read the thread AND every single living player who’s still in the game. That’s almost impossible. Mafia would have to be your full-time occupation for that to be possible.


I don’t think you can stop the hyperposters from hyperposting
But you can stop yourself from posting too much
Try to play with a self-restriction of 50 posts per ingame day (don’t do that as exact number, just as a guideline, and there’s nothing wrong with breaking it if needed. Point is: if needed)

It’s still a pointless hypothetical. I don’t bother dealing with impossible situations like this in FM.

Only in FoL and some SFoLs and even then it’s still not 100% on every case.

Mech-talk in RM4 was dumb as anything that the Congregation could do the Heretics could do as well, except for the Minister that didn’t roll and the Medium, but the Medium there was a consensus TR that match so it didn’t matter.

Speculation there just resulted in me being falsely cleared over Italy’s check which put me in a strong position to powerwolf the game.

For re-evaluating just ignore everyone who’s a flipped villager and pay attention to flipped wolves and living players, or just ISO every flipped wolf/living villager.

Yes, but if you think about the possibility that others can think you are scum, it makes your reads way better.

You’d be surprised how many group scum get caught because they don’t vote up their partners.