Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I know, that’s what I was referring to.

what the heck

I was wondering how you approached reading people in Mountainous.

There were people in Looming Threat actually healing consensus scumreads.

Wait nvm, I missed the claimed cop part. I think it was an unclaimed TI?

I still haven’t read the spreadsheet for that game.

should I?

Flashbacks to me convincing a town vig to shoot town.

autoshooting the counterwagon probably puts you in the top 25 percent of vigs, to be fair


Nvm, it was a Citizen eevee who claimed TI.

uh good question
let me quickly do an iso of me

That game had like 3 Princesses who never WoW’d once and a Noble who endgamed without using a single Bounty.

I mean…
Only in 25% of cases you wouldn’t shoot the counterwagon. I have a few examples.

  1. You want to go for a hero shot (usually bad unless your reads are good).
  2. There’s literally an outed wolf who isn’t being wagoned and the vig is expected to kill them.
  3. For whatever reason, the counterwagon becomes hardcore outed town as the lynch occurs. (Vengeful modpeek from the player who was lynched?)

I almost didn’t want to write this because Dunning-Kruger applies, but I’ve seen some excellent hero shots on bussers, for instance.

  1. You, the vig, were the counterwagon.

What if you townread the CW?

I’ve literally never seen a vig shoot the CW on this site. It always ends up being their own pet reads who ends up flipping V.

Still worth shooting. You can be wrong and you help VCA.
Unless you are like, ride or die. But even then…

Obviously, you vig yourself in that case.

That seems bad unless guiltless.

Most vigs are guiltless.

Guilt vigs are only a thing in ToL and ToS to prevent gamethrowers.