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guiltless is the default way for vigs to be

the high prevalence of guilt vigs on this site is actively weird

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imagine having guilt

/falconpunch eevee

People here base their setups on ToL/ToS where you can’t WoTM gamethrowers out, so it’s no surprise.

mildly interesting fact #1: data from MafiaScum suggests that, at least there, vig shots hit town at a higher rate than if the vig were literally RNGing the shot

mildly interesting fact #2: despite this being the case, adding a vig to a set-up nevertheless increases town winrates


in general adding a vig gives some additional number of town-controlled kills, and if the vig kills wolfy players it’s generally pro-town even when those players are villagers as it means that it’s not necessary to waste a lynch

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Shoot dummies

Get moneys

“I have a free event shot.”


My reads weren’t different from the reads I would make in a fol/sfol
The biggest difference in my playstyle was that I knew I can’t solve my slot by mechanics or logs, so I tried to do a lot of reads and interactions with players

Unless the vig hero shoots a villager, which is why vigs should never hero shoot.

Pu myquickeditoops

I solved the game!!!

/detonate KyoDaz

Kill me!!! I detonated town!!!

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I’m confused about this
isn’t guilt what discourages players from doing dumb hero shots?

No, because then it’d be dumb to shoot anything but an outed wolf, which doesn’t happen often outside of mech-heavy games.

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Mechanical guilt is replacedwith social guilt for fucking up :^)

Fair. In low-power games there should be no guilt
vice versa, in high-power games there should be absolutely guilt

the host calls you out whenever you kill a town and publicly shames you


Just make vigs limited at this rate. Like a 1-shot or so.

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the negative consequence of dumb hero shots is that you’ve killed an obvious villager and made the game that much harder to solve

Not really. As long as it’s large-ish setup and the wolves can deal with the vig such as a wolf doc or roleblocker then it’s fine to be guiltless. Better way to limit it is to make it x-shot, tho.

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