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look basically
you should never be afraid to kill somebody because the game told you to
you should be afraid to kill somebody because you know you might be wrong

I remember my 1st game here. I thought it would be a copy of ToL, which turned it to not be entirely correct.

excessive mechanics kill paranoia far more than vig guilt increases it

I… rarely even argue about that anymore.
I accepted that guiltless vigs seem to be right for FM
I still don’t like it but yea ^^

yes but it’s still the best option for FoL

you remember that thing with the two boats from The Dark Knight?


An event which kills a massive number of people.

yeah, so somebody thought it was a good idea to make that an event in a mash with 8 people on each boat, and it actually killed everybody on the boats that explode

Sounds cool. I vote we sacrifice kat.


A MU term for an event that kills a shit-ton of people.

Sorcerer blows up the entire court.

okay so
two boats
one is full of convicts, one is full of ordinary citizens
the joker puts a bomb on both boats, and tells each boat that he’s giivng them the detonator for the other boat
and also, if neither person blows up the other boat, both boats will explode

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Like 14 town died.
Town still won.

in the movie, the Joker did a Gamer Move™ and actually gave each boat the detonator for their own bomb, and in the movie one of the convicts throws the detonator off the ship, saving the lives of the rest of the crew

in the fm game the joker wasn’t lying

It’s hard to have 100% white/black opinions about FoL just based on tol/FM. To be realistic, the answer is probably somewhere in between. And that’s where we are rn. We have some vigs with guilt, some without guilt

How big was that mash?

no, it doesn’t work like that at all
the best answer is no guilt on the vigs
gate them some other way
just never guilt

60 players.