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it’s almost as ridiculous as them not noticing how busted Skull of Gul’Dan was because they never played it in aggro DH during playtesting

yes I do

Not multiplayer though
I used to play the game a lot

that’s why they added ruin and buffed nova
they don’t need to make it classic

eh true
but you know what I mean
if Soul Mirror is any indication Priest is going to be getting a lot of stupid board clears in Year of the Phoenix while having no outstanding ones in Classic/Basic

(ruin / nova are really well costed)

that’s been one of the big problems with Priest, that they have a bad Basic/Classic set, even now, but get ridiculous shit every expansion

they redid the priest classic set

i agree but you’ve seen the current HS meta
they’re really quite good but not as outstandingly powerful as stuff like Psychic Scream

it happened at beginning of year of the phoenix

conclusion: Kobolds and Catacombs was a mistake

DD literally refuses to launch for me after the newest DLC and I’m not the only one with this issue (on win 10) so I feel you.
I really hope they fix it soon because it’s among my favorites as well.

that’s because dh is outlier

i am aware
i just don’t think it’s as good as some other classic sets

namely that a lot of the cards are still bad, but what do you expect from Basic/Classic, it’s an awful set in general
i just think there’s a huge gap between Classic Priest and Expansions Priest that’s even wider than other classes

I haven’t played stygian
And I haven’t beaten the game

But I was pretty far in (basically about to start doing darkest) then dropped it

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like obviously all the classic sets are bad
but i see a lot more classic warrior cards than Priest cards
I don’t think I’ve seen a single Shadow Word: Ruin cast in constructed, actually

I finished torchless bloodmoon and then stopped playing for a while, but still returned to it from time to time.
The game is certainly addictive.

i think HS would benefit from switching to a MtG style rotating Core Set system?

or at least more rotation in Classic in general, because that set is horribly outdated