Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Okay, you got me.

Who is?

Yeah, we have it allll under control.

Do Italy next.


scum!marshal: carries scum to the win
neut!marshal: carries scum to the win
town!marshal: carries scum to the win


You know

Castle of the Blood God should be filled with warhammer refrences

slightly disappointed

Don’t even try to say something :newspaper_roll:

@Firekitten @sulit

You messed up :^)

I really am a master at aming others

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I delayed WoW because community sign ups opened

I didn’t know it could still be hosted


town!italy: “if i don’t have a pr i don’t have an obligation to post”
neut!italy: “im townsided let me win the game and you win my vote”
scum!italy: “i’m uninstalling the host”


town!TBE: shoots the neutral five fucking times

thats all that really matters

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eevee was supposed to announce that, but i guess that fell on me to tell if he didnt. Just a mess

This is the most accurate thing I have read lmfao.

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town!sulit: heck
scum!sulit: heck


town!Vulgard: ‘I am a shining beacon of villageriness and will probably immediately die’

neut!Vulgard: ‘neuts bad’

scum!Vulgard: ‘aaaaaa. hello yes it is me, a wolf.’


Italy randing scum is an excellent meme. Randing nontown as much as he does shouldn’t be possible, but it happens anyway.

town!katze: :joy_cat:
neut!katze: :skull_and_crossbones:
wolf!katze: :joy_cat:

while i agree

it’s an eevee game
these things never go according to plan
so :man_shrugging:

I think I claimed scum as scum ~5 posts into the fol where I randed CL?