Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

meow meow!

time for me to re-join the cat cult

There goes me :upside_down_face:

why am i one of the few non-catters

idk bird cult has signups though


it’s called growing up

it appears that orange is trying to oppress cats

i dont know how to do that

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i have devolved

It appears that katze has evolved

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return of the cool cat hydra

Wait katze no stop


katze katsay katze katsay

“Don’t post/request personally identifying info – including done via private messages”

This is a rule on our forums.

I should’ve been banned by now.


Is posting a photo of your eye considered a personally identifying info :^)

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I mean, I posted my face, indirectly shared my first and last name (and e-mail) and encouraged others to share their appearance as well.

I broke that rule so hard, I definitely should’ve been banned for it.

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Why did you post your last name though.
Also emails probably shouldn’t count.

The Google account I use to check things like post-game spreadsheets contains my first and last name, because I use it for uni as well.

Should be easy enough to figure out it’s me if you snipe me.

That isn’t quite the same as outright posting your last name here though.
So I don’t think it counts either.