Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

You are supposed to have fun with this? :^)

I’m trying to but I keep rolling town :frowning:

Neuts out.
Just don’t play.

This is indeed the conclusion I have reached.

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See, glad we reached an understanding.

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what is that

can i eat it?


Technically, yes.

I think you are fun
That means I can eat you


Please don’t.

Also your old pfp was better.

This one?

I mean, I do like it, but I wanna be Mentalist.

Unless you mean by my old one the Mentalist one.

I did mean the previous one.
Did you have this before?

Yes, this was my first non-automatically-assigned pfp.



i dont remember if the pink cat was my first pfp here or not

it probably was since it was my discord PFP at the time

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The pink cat that isn’t pink.
