Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i thought it was ‘cash for you to burn’

listen i just type what i hear

this conversation has reminded me that i should extend my hiatus from playing
it’s always a risk with the fragile mental state im in now, even though non-clocktower stuff should be theoretically feasible


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can I dm you on discord

Burn the cash



i dont know how but im feeling better after talking in the new BOTF signup thread
. . . somehow

maybe fm isn’t that bad for my health?

there’s probably a good reason why i was fine multiballing tons when I was immensely more busy than I am now, back in the day

This statement looks quotable.

You have granted me too much power.

dat’s making a part 7 FM?

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Any statement is quotable. Case and point.

this statement is quotable

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well spoken italy

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Oh no, kat is screaming kat again :frowning:

iirc i was killed, not lynched

I’m surprised this isn’t a complaint about Katze’s ever changing pfp.

is that really screaming kat
or is that sad kat

I have no idea at this point.