Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

in ToL none of the NKs have F4 wincon including PK

in FoL PK wins in F4

I remember claiming hunter as NK

it turns out there was another hunter claim who claimed after I got made king

I lived by the arrow, and then I died by the arrow. It was worth it though

PK needs to be the true last victor

Sounds rough for PK.

my last PK win i claimed hunter, got CCed, then claimed fool and got king

and somehow nobody really cared

Imagine not having your first nk win be as reaper > PK while claiming noble when twin was a thing

We at [COMPANY] support [insert movement] as long as it brings no consequences to us. Please keep supporting our products.

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Same wincon as regular NKs.
Hence why going for PK with Possessor/Reaper is usually -EV (unless you do it really early and can force people into following you).
Losing your vote manipulation for jail/occ/invest immunity only works well for Sorcerer.

Ironically I’ve never stepped for PK with Sorcerer, I think all of my 6 recent wins were Possessor/Reaper > PK.

Yes but have you won as a Reaper claiming Mystic :^)

Is it time for me to be woke
And claim mystic in the next FoL

@Firefox Users

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People were talking tol pk and how hes weak to poison. Ez solution which would be fun. Give him wifom a 1 time use day ability to switch the wine in front of him with a player of his choice. Another kill at night if u get the nightshade



Best protect your privacy while you can folks

wait this is cool as shit

i just swapped to firefox recently and i prob wouldnt have found this otherwise


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Oh no. They know I been searching for blueberry muffin recipes

and this doesn’t surprise me a bit

hence why i never used incognito mode for anything actually private

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Wot this?

uBlock Origin usually goes undetected through adblock detectors
Search by Image is REALLY customizable and has over 30~ different image finders
Notes by Firefox is official and syncable across all devices. Why wouldn’t you want it?