Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

yeah but i’ve already done it

It’s illegal in Sweden to own only one guinea pig

discord has my weird question

what’s your first reaction when a horror game tells you how to run

turn around

Stay and see what happens.

what is this power move

i found a box of orange chocolate cookies under the stairs, 3 likes on this post and i steal them and eat them


i got impatient waiting for 3 likes im eating them now cuz im a fat bitch


also @Hippolytus a friend said he liked inside the freemasons and it’s on netflix

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That’s a good thing

now i want cookies

also blackfish if you haven’t seen it

and don’t f**k with cats was interesting but also very upsetting

they’re organge and ginger. the ginger is a bit overpowering compared to the orange in my opinion. they’re coated in milk chocolate which is nice and super crispy but there are no chunks of chocolate inside which makes them lose points. they also could be thicker and more wholesome. over all a solid 8/13.

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how long have they been there for

idk they were hidden in understair cupboard

also conspiracies is on my list but I haven’t gotten to it

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yeah i wanna see that

secret wall cookies
this is quality

speaking of shows, I still haven’t started that one