Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i have two siblings and it sucks how could people have more than 2

I have one sibling

I think it’s better than being alone

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pooblic is the way

how else are you going to record the fights in the cafeteria

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i have 3 brothers. Im the middle child with one older, and two younger twin brothers


see this is also weird to me

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we get them about once every other month

then proceed to talk about them for the month it happened

happened on the bus last time


the fact that this sort of thing is entirely foreign to you is weird to me

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Excuse me what.

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as someone who does not believe in the faith being put foward

it is

the worst part is we’ve had to dress up in stuffy formal clothes for the 2/3s of my life i’ve had to do this

in high school during the winter it’s not bad because I have this sweater that looks good with the outfit

in summer

it’s required pants and long sleeve collared shirt in 100 degree weather


I thought this was a common occurrence

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that occurs anywhere where there is dumb people

also always happens in ghetto areas

in my 3rd high school there were brutal fights outside right after school every day

But clearly shoving religion down the people’s throats is the way to go.
And this concludes my religion talk.

This is actually the way I typically dress in the summer, even though we don’t quite reach your temperatures.
Else I just burn if I’m exposed to the sun for longer than 2 hours.

we get fights

but like all 7 or so of the ones i’ve seen have been between gorls

i’ve never actually seen a dude fighting a dude at my high school

also one of my classmates was shot during my senior year
and there was a laced brownie incident because why wouldn’t there have been

the one day I was gone there was a fight on my bus

it was only screaming that time which while less entertaining its better and was people I sorta knew

well no there were like 2 punches

a brother of mine and sister saw it, and my sister recorded it(to later get called down to delete it)


see my school had a uniform and that was fine

also it meant that I didn’t have to actually … make decisions … or devote any amount of cognitive attention whatsoever to clothes


I think we literally got 1 fight during my time in school, and it wasn’t even that serious.

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I’m jealous because uniforms are cool as hell.

I hate uniforms

jeans and hoodies that say something other than “name of school” and that have sizes that fit me

are like


and I was kept from that for 9 years

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