Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

that is partially the point

if you marked the mystic n1, you shouldn’t have to be obliged to take a night off to remove the mark

least I don’t think so

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I might just keep playing on alts so I don’t get metaread? Dunno.

Sans-streim is best cult leader

the only lords who don’t have a horse to start but get one upon promotion are eliwood, ephraim, and eirika (FE 7 and 8).

“There is a villager posting from this slot”

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Understandable. Hopefully those will be finished soon – I want to see you play more.

Oh, so he stays shit throughout the game.

…Wait. Aren’t you supposed to kill some bosses with him? How the fuck do I do that when he deals 0 dmg to all units with any defense?

You know I hate the fact I’m read like this.


as frederick says, “pick a god and pray”

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he gets a sword called the sword of seals that’s supper effective against the final boss and maybe other dragons (i forgot)
he cant really do anything else

Although if you miss out on any gaiden chapters at all / run out of any of the legendary weapons before you defeat the kingdom of bern, you don’t get to face the final boss and instead get the bad ending.

I feel like the game is trying to tell me something by making its main character such a garbage unit, but with good morals.

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forgot that Sword units are not the best in older FE games (Especially 6-8)

i dont blame you

if i keep playing FM i do want to change my entire style of play but i also want to enjoy playing

that offsite game i did was primarily a test to see how i could play without really… playing like myself? and it was… uncomfortable. i didn’t really enjoy the game much at all.

hopefully i can find a happy medium


I actively dislike it, but I can’t do anything about it unless I keep randing wolf and learn to play. I’d be happy to take all of Italy’s wolf rands.

bold of you to assume after 2 posts arete wouldn’t figure out that it was you and what your alignment is

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Maybe Cult wins SFoL 62
Maybe :eyes:

napoleon recognized that cult could win SFoL61 and forced a rerand /s


That explains everything.
Smh, Napoleon.

ans/italy starting cult

completely eradicates the nonbelievers

“Tangeld is convert immune”

Italy has been executed for treason! They were…

The Cult Leader