Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Unpopular Opinions do not exist in the conventional sense due to how the internet works.

you will find a group that believes in what you think eventually

cult approval ratings inside the cult are 100%
super popular

In all fairness they are more of a ‘niche opinions’.

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that’s more accurate
now use it

I would think that Cult does indeed approve of Cult.

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I get worked up over hot takes and “unpopular opinions” a bit because they generally aren’t well thought out and kind of just exist for the sake of existing

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I would but I have to depart, for it’s 12 AM and I haven’t slept since last day.

you just described everything, ever

I mean my opinions are genuinely less popular most of the time and they are mine, so eh.

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not sleeping that much is unhealthy as shit

Bold of you to assume I was ever healthy.

imagine not having a cat’s sleep schedule (which iirc is 18 hours)

I have made the coldest take humanly possible

bad mindset

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Geyde, I’m perfectly aware of the fact that I probably won’t survive past my 50’s.
I’m completely okay with it.

I can’t say I would agree with a take like that
You do you I guess

Either way, as I said I’m going to depart.
Good night – or rather good midday.

I have strong opinions on stuff like that
But I’ll avoid forcing it on you

then don’t keep replying