Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

BD starts with majority, so it makes sense for alchemists to side BD unless evils are clearly winning.

BD siding Alch in ToL. Has to survive to the end of the game.

nobody likes an alch who doesn’t side with them :upside_down_face:




Unless me. I try to convince them to side with me

okay so in syndicate
i empowered wazza, who was visiting the prince
you know
the person who was being rampaged
so i send wazza to his guaranteed death, only for him to come back completely unharmed


Get out of my mind.

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Hey I can join the club of Alch haters now
I don’t like fol Alch

how to delete someone else’s post


Unfortunately the file for my Alchemist win is too big to upload to here.

can i please defend myself by saying a few years ago I was an extraordinarily bad host

like my moderrors were on a different fucking scale to normal ones
that game embarasses me to no end
basically every game I’ve hosted since then has been an attempt to make up for the bad ones

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also it wasn’t compensation for a moderror
it was because i was a shitty host who hadn’t actually thought about what their event prize did because they presumed it would never be opened, like an idiot

Ici, you have much more hosting experience now

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cult bad
they believe in not giving cats salami


Cult good.
Cats out.

me irl

your opinion is an interesting one
unfortunately, it’s going to be your last
but nevertheless, it’s still interesting


Haven’t you heard? I’m the lord of Unpopular Opinions™.
Submit or be eradicated.

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