Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

This brings me back to the time where I solved the game D1 but I was not the nicest player in that game

DatBird is 6 votes away from decapitation.

He is at D-6!

@discobot roll 1d6

:game_die: 1

/use Kape on Chloe

Chloe has been deleted.


I wanna delete kat

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i also want to delete kat

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I dont wanna delete kat


I want to sacrifice kat

Priestess put down the sacrificial dagger

hey, that’s just an antique artwork, I swear

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Why dont we just banish people

katze has been deported


How about this
If you get voted, you don’t actually get executed, because you flee beforehand.

Chloe has escaped.

I don’t think it’s terrible.

Yeet is just the funniest thing ever and like I said, I’m using this every time from now on.

I’m too old for yeet