Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

my hair never poofs in humidity because it is always humid

afro sulit

my hair always poofs in humidity

afro sulit
afro sulit

But seriously
I am in dire need of a haircut

cutting your own hair isn’t all that hard ngl

I usually just pull it back but when I do that I have all these tiny little short hairs near my face and I look insane

Also the synth on this

i dont particularly want to buy a hair razor just to use it once every 2-3 months

Check dms in a sec

You’re lucky

kyo are you sure that image is sfw

tbh cutting my own hair would save me a decent amount of money because decent haircuts with this amount of hair aren’t exactly cheap

… It’s on Spotify, and I enlarged the image and she’s covered
Also that wasn’t the album cover when I was on it

I don’t really know how I’d go about cutting my hair

also, it’s sort of funny to me that i learned arete’s name by accident and im p sure it’s not possible for me to ever forget it, but I’m fighting very hard to resist looking up what they look like

Afro gang


I like cutting my own hair because I don’t have to go outside, don’t have to describe to barber how I want it to look, and can’t cut it shorter than I think because i’m doing it myself

and the ppl who cut my hair always try to make small talk which is no

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(please dont post pictures here from that podcast, if at all possible)