Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Soy sauce works with almost everything I eat.
Maybe that’s the reason I’m addicted.

what do you eat so i can judge you

jam would be higher
especially rarer jams (blueberry, apricot, raspberry, blackberry, dragonfruit, etc. :yum:)
but regular jelly, like grape jelly? Yuck

Depends what kind of honey
If i get my go-to creamy thick honey from israel, it’s probably #1
Thinner, standard honey, especially honey that isn’t non-filtrated, is shit to me

Nutella is always good
Peanut butter is only good without the preservatives that stop the oils from pooling at the top. I prefer mixing it myself and without the preservatives, the trans fat is gone

so i can’t really rate without more qualifiers

Peanut Butter

Not spaghetti

i dont think id ever put soy sauce on spaghetti to be fair

Mainly rice because rice is versatile and goes with about everything.
Also beef/chicken/fish. Eggs as well.

But tbf even potatoes are fine with soy sauce if you pair them with something proper.

tbh peanut butter and pasta isn’t even a bad combo as long as it’s thin enough

Imagine willingly consuming spaghetti

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tamari soy sauce is better than the standard method
fight me if u disagree

the real answer for him is nothing

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instead of saying ansrete

we should say ans eat

because ans you have to consume food nerd


rice with soy sauce is good
i don’t really eat beef but i can see that working
chicken with soy sauce… i dont know? :eyes: might try that
ive eaten some fish with soy sauce with no complaints but i wouldnt try it with others
eggs with soy cause ive had in hibachi and its good

what the fuck

this pun works better when you pronounce it like ansreet

but :man_shrugging:

Well I do go through my days without eating anything at all sometimes.

intermittent fasting is healthy

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Peanut Butter

It’s really good so long as you prepare it in a similar way as beef to be honest. Cut into smaller pieces and fry it with onion/garlic.

Salmon is the best for this imo.

Peanut butter is great

I love peanut butter

I’m mostly eating the same few stuff
over and over again
sometimes with sauce
sometimes without
but it’s always the same
my taste is hypersensitive and hates it when I eat something I don’t know yet

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