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ranch bad
mayonnaise bad

katze good

Ah yes, the best condiment.

honestly i havent had a hair cut at all and honestly its great.

mayo is fine I guess

I don’t hate it but I wouldn’t be upset if I didn’t use it

well over the summer i mean.
i would have had one otherwise, but im glad i havent yet

Ranch good
Ranch good
Ranch good


Ah- REEEE-tah

garlic sauce better
ranch a close second

bbq third

ranch is good but only as a dressing for salads (and pizza like chloe said)

hot sauce good on foods that work with it (wings, burritos, tacos)

ketchup best utility and versatility as a condiment

Mustard is good on sandwiches but not much else IMO and yellow mustard is shit

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Yellow mustard is decent with raw carrots where you probably want less punch with the crunch

I like it with ketchup as like a combo deal

for everything else, dijon / english is better tho i agree

you’re nowhere as bad as I am :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m supposed to be leading robotics meetings with my abysmal people skills

Mustard is godly, but you all are forgetting one true superior condiment.

Soy sauce.

also rate these 4

Peanut Butter

^ this is my ranking

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what is wrong with you people

it’s too salty on it’s own imho
I just use it as an addition to cooking oil

it’s actually pretty good

adds some tang to the pizza which is sometimes lacking

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soy sauce is really really good on some foods and… doesn’t work with other foods, imo

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