Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I was in McDonalds in… uh lets see
Great Britain
I totally forgot a few countries

Grape jelly is ok

I prefer other types tho

Strawberry jelly is really good

That might be just because I’m addicted to strawberries tho

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oh wow
just saying
if you ever go to korea
mcdonalds will be extremely far from what you expect
mcdonalds in korea sells fucking shrimp burgers

blueberry, raspberry, blackberry jams, apricot, mango marmalades >>>> strawberry jam
but strawberry jam >>>>>>>> grape jelly (or any jelly, for that matter)

Too sweet and weird texture.


try aioli, it’s superior

garlic aioli made me want to barf
it was pasty

To be fair, I just want the fries
And they have fries everywhere

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whats aioli

They had those in Japan and they were p good ngl

Miss me with the Canadian McLobster sandwich tho

sad that i cant eat shrimp

i should stop watching that best ever food review show yt channel
just a slew of foods that im forbidden from eating ever but still look delicious

It’s like mayonaise, but uses different ingredients and adds garlic to the mix

I need this in my life.

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It’s extremely popular in Australia and hoo boy have I been underestimating it

it kind of seems like it would be extremely difficult to keep kosher in southeastern asia

do you actually have two kitchen?

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