Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

We’ve already had a Dark Age of UPick, so this isn’t impossible.

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you smell

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take that

yea my nose works pretty well

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Yeah, I was hoping to come back sooner but I don’t want to rush things, I’ve been in a lot better of a mood lately despite bad stuff going on around and I only rarely swear now so I feel like everything’s getting better but I’m still afraid if I come back here I’ll suddenly just become my older self.


You say that like I haven’t been bullying you about failing to find a Sandstorm in a Bottle in DMs for the past 2 days.

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im doing better now that you are here

but overall not that bad.

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whats this mean, u spelled his name wrong as well

Tbh I’m proud of you for making that decision in the first place.


that’s it i’m making an alt

Geyde, Geyd and Gey



U got this, we beleive. U CAN DO IT!

ur mom is @gey

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those things conflict

I will kill disappointment by slamming a door repeatedly on its foot

That’s good to hear and I’m doing better now that you all are here, makes me feel a lot better despite the fact I’m about to sleep.

Thanks, I’ve taken a few breaks from the forums but never stuck to them, this one I am sticking to.

Same goes for you with your paper and what not. You’ve got this, bud. Think about the Midgets.

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I think you’re super awesome, so that was an obvious lie. :heart:

At least you’re not vanishing for a year like I did. To be fair, it wasn’t a great time in my life, but still.

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I am doing a flip