Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

imagine trying to find a reason to dislike Avatar: The Last AIrbender


seriously i just finished the first season of that show and i’m so pissed i didn’t watch it when I was younger

think this is a misunderstanding so lemme try to make clear what i was sayin

Basically i was saying “ok but how is that bad?” in response to the “dae cultural appropriation” not the idea of the paper

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Hm… I want to try hosting this. Filling the roles shouldn’t be too difficult.
Aside from this I also have my own idea which is basically a smaller version of the Auction Mafia.

because let’s be honest
when people talk about stealing anime art style that is exactly what they’re referring to as the biggest example
and it could be argued that avatar steals more than just art style and does get into religious approproation somewhat, except an important thing is that it treats the spiritual ideas from the east with respect as well so

go ahead! just lmk if/when you get it finished

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Cultural appropriation is only harmful when you’re stealing elements of a person’s culture that have deep significance to them, usually religious, and use them carelessly for aesthetic purposes.

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Alright folks, the cookie is around 50 posts away from us.
…so, let’s do a little quiz. If A is 10 in Base 16 (Hexadecimal), then what do the following numbers represent? 34_14_27_24

we improve by standing on the shoulders of giants, why would you willingly limit the number of shoulders you can stand on?

can i please tell the story of where that phrase comes from because it is absolutely hillarious

So, we’re all aware that Issac Newton was an absolute twat, right?

not incorrect

See, he had this huge rivalry with a man called Robert Hooke, who was another famous physicist at the time. Like, he really hated Robert Hooke.

So the Great FIre of London happened, and Robert Hooke, being the stand-up gentlemen that he was, paid for a large number of houses to be rebuilt, and plaques commemorating this were placed on those houses.


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@Simon, here is a puzzle for you. It should be an easy one at that.

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But Newton was so pissed off that Robert Hooke would get any credit for anything that he, and I shit you not, paid a large gang of man with crowbars to remove all trace of Robert Hooke’s name from every sign in London.

We only actually found out that Hooke was involved in the response to the FIre recently because of that, but it gets way, way funnier.

34 in dec is 0x22 in hex.
14 in dec is 0x0D in hex.
27 in dec is 0x1B in hex.
24 in dec is 0x18 in hex.

I wonder if @sulit and @katze are planning to snipe the cookies? …I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened at this point.