Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

rokugan on MU sounds like the most bastard idea ever

triple bruh

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…What was the purpose of the claimed redcheck? Did he say anything in wolfchat?

there was no wolfchat

it was 4 lost wolves who knew 1 other wolf

he just… did it


birthday tomorrow.

School + suddenly tons of work right before exams.

Not foon :frowning:


Happy Early Birthday in case I forget between work


Btw the zero escape series was :fire:. Thanks for the suggestion!


Dude I love it so much. If u want another suggestion. Try AI the somnium files it’s like very similiar and made by the same team


I’ll definitely keep it in mind. ~Steam wishlist

Also persona 4 golden cause it’s on steam and that’s hype af. That’s an rpg though so idk how ya feel on those

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Got that one down too :stuck_out_tongue: I just bought a nintendo Switch, so that will keep me busy for some time. It was nice playing with you again. :wave:

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If u got a switch I got even more

It was great playing with ya again. But yeah Fire Emblem Three Houses, Xenoblade 1 remaster, Odyssey, and BOTW all would recomend

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Did you play all three?

Personally: AISF < Nonary Games
Still good, but I like NG’s flavor more (even if ZTD was messy and basically made a lot of apocalyptic timelines and never touched on how the true end continues)

This one I don’t have …and I don’t plan to play, nor watch.

@KyoDaz you were right

The guy was a hydra from flow…


I know I was fucking right.
I’m not an idiot.


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Thank you for reminding me I was right, FireKitten