Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Not really though.
Even three hours is better than nothing.

iiiiii frankly dont care

1 > 0
get at least a nap in

yeet whatever device away

Eh… maybe. We’ll see if I pass out or not today.

if you are going to not go to sleep at all

do you actually want advice

take day slow or smthn

…? Advice on what?

I have never passed out in recent years. Even when I’ve pulled an all-nighter, I’m sufficiently excellent at acting normal.

how not to feel like dogshit tomorrow

…aye. Will do. …though, I think I forgot what slow means, and I wonder if I should speed up instead.

basically don’t force yourself to do too much during the day
if you are going to do stuff do it by a schedule
try to avoid doing anything physically intensive

Then all will be good for me as well.

I just watched a movie, so I don’t feel like dogshit today. Plus, no work, so… I can take a day off.
…until evening arrives.


Don’t worry. I got this 100% covered. For real.
Maybe too much covered even.
…I should sport a bit more.

would anyone be interested in a turbo?

And more importantly - would anyone be interested in doing said turbo with voice chat optional but encouraged?

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damn it I was about to sleep

Now I wanna do that

id be down but it have to be soonish

I should probably sleep anyways I have a zoom thing in the morning

sad noises

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what if we did it on minecraft instead

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what do you think the building i’m making is for :eyes:


well whats the Marshole for? As Kat trapped me in there


it’s a hole that’s meant to get careless people to fall down in it

originally it also burned all of your stuff

i’ve fallen in like 4 times

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