Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i just wanna tell you how i’m feeling

i’m probably gonna be guildless
i don’t take the game that seriously

Ew, Vulpera.

Remember when Shadow Priest had a talent that would maximize Insanity but kill themselves after you ran out?

vulpera are cool!!!
fox people
fox people
im not a furry i swear


Estoy cansadooo jajaja

I love the Vulpera as well. Only because females have the Bad Romance dance.
I love Lady Gaga

I mean I’m guildless for what, 3 years now? I just systematically signed up for pugs until I got a guild group and they decided to bring me along.

it’s been so long i forgot what my favorite spell was
but i could solo 3-4 enemies or some shit

gotta make you understand

alliance got mechagnomes which are a meme

StM was good and then they ruined it.

never gonna give you up

Actual Rick Roll

*Diaper gnomes.

i feel bad for alliance players

I have two 110 Alliance characters sitting on a dead realm
A mage and paladin

I left after warlords of dreanor

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nunca voy a abandonarte

never gonna let you down