Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I paid 50k to get Servant of N’Zoth during the second day of the expansion.
Also I did the meta the day r15 cloak was available, just spammed my vessles :eyes:

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The only mmo ive played is WIZARD 1 OH FUCKIN 1

you know the rules, and so do i

okay wizard 101 was lit tho

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Actually I guess I could help you with Servant title? Also you could do it in a group right now.

i played that for like
4 hours
i didn’t understand what was happening
it was like a decade ago

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My cloak is only rank 5 atm.

a full commitment’s what i’m thinking of

meteor fucking op
too bad they paywalled literally anything that wasn’t absolutely required

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you wouldn’t get this from any other guy

My younger brother played it so i would play with him to make him happy

Turned out to actually be fun!

Fuckin cyclops lane

you’re a good sister

but i knew that


Oh. I was raiding so I capped it every week, I think last I checked I left it at second corruption resistance upgrade? But yeah, got it to 15. Catch up is kinda weird.

Imma need a lot of coffee tomorrow morninf holy shiiiiit

chloe’s slow descent into madness

She’s becoming a shadow priest?



Ye. I only just started playing again.
My main priority rn is unlocking Vulpera but I really cannot be bothered grinding out the Cape + I don’t have a guild rn soooo