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that was a different person

watching source code (2011) in the discord bois

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Been doing this for months doesn’t help with depression at least for me

i watched it a while ago i dont think i really liked it

marvel villain was classic 2d “lol money” or “lol power” (i think both in the movie) and i expected more sciency/logical stuff but nope everything is explained with “PYM PARTICLES OMEGALUL” and “QUANTUM! MECHANICS!” with not really any character development or anything with a somewhat basic plot (albeit entertaining enough)

overall rate it 8.5/10 cause im prejudiced towards marvel and it was entertaining to see paul rudd cause i like him but damn this movie was really only there to (spoiler) trap antman in the quantum world for endgame or smth somehow AND THEY HAVE NO FAIL SAFE TO SET HIM FREE??? AND A FUCKING RAT SAVED HIM LIKE THAT’S SO BULLSHIT HOW DOES THE CAR EVEN HAVE POWER STILL DID NO ONE CARE ABOUT ANT MAN AND THE FUCKING QUANTUM CAR OMFG (ok rant over) so yea movie was alright, it was entertaining but not great and i think i remember it being pretty cringe at some points so


ah right i reread the plot and yeah it’s kinda cringe and half of the stuff is like 0 character development and classic cringe plot armor shit so it’s eh entertaining but didn’t make me feel anything would be like 7.5-8/10 but it’s marvel so 8.5/10

Actually, you wanna bet?

Watch this. The rat wasn’t such a deus ex machina.

speaking of movies i just finished Source Code (2011) i talked abt this on the discord but i’ll also say it here since i dont want to sleep

so it’s entertaining and there was some decent character development which is always nice but the plot is basic and somewhat predictable. nothing really subverted my expectations and there were no major twists or anything that really made me feel anything. like i think the twist at the end was supposed to be major but it was actually really predictable and obvious and im like “really? that’s all you have?”

they did do a good job on the world they showed tho ( tho it wasn’t much) and it did make me feel more emotionals (tho that might be bc im sleep deprived) so it’s a fun movie but nothing particularly emotional. decent feels, never made me feel like “oh no the mc is in danger” or “oh fuck what if x happens” or something

7.5/10. wish there was more worldbuilding and i feel like they could’ve done so much more but nope they just had to go with “it’s robocop bitch” you’re almost dead sort of. definitely feel like more character/development/emotion could’ve been portrayed by some charcaters and we didn’t really get to explore their backstory or learn much about them which was sorely disappointing.

tl;dr entertaing, but predictable and basic. i wish they did more with the characters/worldbuilding because of how predictable it was and i feel like some of the characters weren’t very real and paper thin but it was alright.

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i doubt the directors were thinking anything complex and just needed something to progress the plot but alright, i’ll still give it a watch tomorrow

to the video: please do not end with “dr strange predicted that and set it in motion” or some bs like that

idk if rats like to keep traveling the same path or go different places all the time which is stated in the video a lot but i guess i can believe it? still absolutely bullshit tho

also i feel like rats would actually step over the button tbh but eh

1 minute until EoS (End of School) ayaya!

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Well, for today anyway.

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As for me, I am good with the generic villain motive, but the thing that made me drop points for plot was that Ghost could’ve just… waited until Janet comes back. I am fully with Dr. Foster in this regard; waiting is the better option.

Despite being predictable, it doesn’t exactly mean that it isn’t fun to watch though.

Well FWIW, I thought that it would all end in a black screen instead of the New Game Plus. The thing at the end was nice to see, and I didn’t understand it until… well, until I recognized it.

It ain’t time travel, but a do-over lessens the thrill of danger, so this is to be expected. Plus, the end will always remain the same in the other timelines, so there… isn’t much to show.
The only possibly interesting timeline is the one where only Christina lived, but… aside from grieving over Sean’s death, there would be no particular action, so… meh.

To me, it was a perfect world already. I am content with… everything. Maybe they could’ve made a sequel to show what happened in the “true world”; more source codes and all, but that’s for another time.

Then again, if they were any more thicker, wouldn’t we need a series instead of a movie?



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Hey kat, is Chleb awake?


She went to bed late like a nerd