Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Hello everyone! I am back to take on one or two forum mafia games. My school year ends in around 4 days and so far I get into the classes I wanted to so I am excited and energized like never before! Does anyone have any games I can join that will be starting soon?


UNI! Welcome back!

Datbird! How are you?

excited katze noises

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We have one fol ongoing and one misc ongoing, one misc opening signups, one about to start but filled.

good. Im a mod now, just not orange lol

happy bear noises


That’s great to hear! I am sure you will bring a great element into the moderation team and make the forums an even more enjoyable place!

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May I also get the links to the match sign ups?

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hi uni!!!


i read the last sentence as “run sulit” and i was confused on why this dude on tumblr had something out for her

thanks tumblr i will over throw government and replace with cats

my lifes purpose as beneffoudn

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Fucking hell this first meeting
Got a zoom call with a college and shits not working


i just saw the most terrifying creepypasta ever

click at your own risk

carpeted kitchen


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Hi mommm