Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

vorpal swords have a generic ass “vs” logo like “vs vs jb” kek

come one, they couldn’t even add a swrd into their logo like that’d be so much cooler but it’s understandable that theyre just regular animators

i do nitpick a lot since im not relaly immersed and some stuff is pretty cringe like that bad english : P


not done with the basketball match yet but im really liking some of the “camera angles” and animation they used cause it seems more fluid and i like that vs the mechanical dribbling that’s jsut a bunch of blurry colors/lines cause it’s fast/cheap to do lol

uhhh that street basketball trick seemed fairly obvious im surprised it worked but w/e anime logic ig

aw man cactus dude is into star signs which is a bunch of bs but i’ll let it slide as a “quirky trait xD” because it’s an anime and also cactus :cactus:

I think cactus boi will start doing his shit soon™.

silver’s speech is CRINGE

can i get some more cool camera angles pls and like unique animation come one this is still an animated movie animation will be rated pls animators :pray:


also classic “oh look the ‘bad guys’ are behind in the beginning but they catch up etc etc” SURPRISE ME! SUBVERT MY EXPECTATIONS! (i hope theyre not too high xD)

oh good they’re talking tactics i love strategies and stuff

imbalance with the team

realistic, even tho it sucks to see and is a bit dumb tbh cause we barely know any of the players

i should be expecting not to see much character development as this is a sports movie but it’s always better when there’s an emotional connection or something relatable so that the characters aren’t all 2d

(It helps if you watch the series this is from.)

Where did this actually come from?

i suppose, but i dont want to watch a whole ass anime just for a movie tbh

also lol the red haired transfer is in the air going to try and block silver’s umpteenth dunk and the blue haired dude says a whole speech and runs up past half the court to help him while they’re still in the air

classic anime logic (like za warudo xD)

it’s not that bad, but i do feel like sports anime should aim to be more on the realistic side or at least follow logic a little less loosely but w/e

chloe + pleb = chleb i guess

Ah… why pleb though?
And why isn’t it me?

You might like haikyuu (about volleyball) better then.

Actually it’s Polish for Bread, which came from another meme beforehead.
So yeah.


You’ll hate Hinata though (from Haikyu)

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ive heard about haikyuu and i like some of the music so i might give it a watch later

btw kuroko or whatever sends off serious gay vibes or whatever like bro it’s a sports anime let’s focus on the sports WHILE THE MATCH IS IN PROGRESS AAAA NOW’S NOT THE TIME FOR SHIPPING XD

Humu. I see.

…meh? It’s kinda hard to attach the word to my name.
