Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


also end of second quarter, good reading from the vs

disappointed in silver but i should’ve expected him to be to much of a solo player

that dude with the headband actually seems like a decent person, im kinda sad for him now

im sort of surprised some nameless pleb on the “bad side” is the one making me feel the most here



bruh silver just kicked a chair over and cracked it like do they even have a coach? where’s their sponsor? wtf dude

Mmn… Zooligan sounds the best, but I ain’t a hooligan.
–unless all toxic players suddenly get called out as hooligans.

“we are senpais for it”


ok that nash jr guy seems to be intimidating bc he seems pretty good, has decent strategy skills thus far, is probably rich, and probably uses all of that plus his psychosis to be intimidating

but seriously, if silver wasn’t using his full power then why would he just not do it to break through and score points or whatever like bruh he got mad when he didn’t even need to be

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oof no one to restrain them

also that nash dude is like lowkey danganronpa material “from here on we’ll teach you true despair” lol

I think nash boutta get serious.

ok im liking the animation more but damn hinata is that small angry type but why r his legs so SKINNY wtf he aint a barbie doll also this shot is ugly as FUCK


idk wtf theyre talking about “same zone energy” or whatever but the lightning effects r decentish tho the sound effects are plain and could be less basic crackling

i do like their synergy tho and the different camera shots when theyre pressuring silver is actually quite nice and i like it

wtf is perfect copy r they superheroes lol

that pink haired girl reminds me of a certain fujoshi xD
(and for anyone curious, no, i did not play or watch this game just trust me)


bruh can kise copy ppl’s skills or smth

i am lacking in lore


come on animators i want more cool shots/angles like these
give us different animation styles too, everything is so snappy and i understand it, especially since it’s basketball but different styles would be nice cause i see this in animes too often

like the animation for the first score was really nice

idk how easy it is to play basketball with glasses but it’s an anime so i can let small things s l i d e :tm:



also i feel like i’d enjoy it more if i knew their powers or smth but it’s still cool to see because powers r cool lol