Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

everyone has their own preferences

Sucks hard objectively.

Sucks hard if you don’t like the style.

Watch Death Note.

Actually, is there anything that if it were an anime, you would be interested in?

I’ll try to recommend you one anime and if you don’t like it after the first episode, I’ll accept defeat.

one that isn’t animated and has real people

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I’d recommend my favorite anime then IASIP

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You’ll learn eventually.

Probably in an epic anime flashback.

i’ve seen that anime like 4 times :^)

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If u got Netflix I’d recommend Umbrella Academy and if u got Disney Plus would so watch Mandalorian


No horny.

i always recommend FMA

but i respect yur no anime policy

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this is what a weeb in denial would say


Mangs is doing a FE6 ironmode run

time for memes

In old cookie thread, there was a conversation with eevee and he was asking how much a loaf of bread costs where we all live
He posted a pic of a grocery store ad for bread, and it said Chleb, and i was like
“Bro i read that as Chloe”

and im now Chleb


:crab: :crab: :crab:


might as well try out 1.16 and- WHY ARE THERE SKELETON ARCHERS IN THE NETHER


player goes sploosh into lava