Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

You don’t watch anime?

I have dignity

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That’s a book dummy

No? I literally watched the anime.

I mean
Even I have watched anime
I slept in a lot

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Ain’t what you linked

You’re literally a closet weeb :unamused::unamused::unamused:

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Didn’t you get first in the opener contest thing

I was cheating on the anime FM thing :unamused:

I have seen like… 2 anime and was meh on both

Secret weeb marshal :eyes:

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did y’all not know I was fucking using shazaam lmao

Huh… I could’ve sworn I watched the Anime, but apparently there’s only a Manga of it.


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why am I so tired


i just saw a man mine two diamonds with a stone pickaxe
kill me now

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Yeah, that was me, I didn’t want my golden pickaxe to break.

No I did, then eevee in 2nd

which two

SAO and like 3 episodes of jojo

meh is an understatement for SAO

please don’t give the rant of “oh you just have to find the right one” I do not like anime in general and the animation style/tropes and just don’t want to hear it


Nah I was just curious lmao