Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

admit your defeat

The dressed up person gets prevented if they visit someone who is the class they’re dressed as

That’s still wrong.

Dress up:
Target X, Y
X will be considered Y for Y class
Y class visiting X will now be prevented
if X is visited while you use this, X gets occupied
if Y is visited while you use this, Y gets occupied

Oh wait you read the SFoL one. I thought you read the original one.

is the original one worse

Judge for yourself.

that’s way less confusing

it’s the same wording almost

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the outfit is removed on original tailor

That was a late addition actually.

also i tricked you into explaining tailor
therefore tailor has been explained
i win

Bold of you to assume someone will ever read the explanations.

how tailor works:

if X is visited, the tailor fucking dies and is removed from the rolling table permanently


Forceroll 3 Kape’s Tailors as the only Offensives in one game.
Watch the chaos ensure.


“yeah so we made a couple moderrors”


Inb4 0 Tailors roll but all the scum claim Tailor

fakeclaiming tailor is actually genius because if someone calls out a contradiction you can just say that either they don’t know how the class works, or the mods don’t

Bigger brain:

Pick Dress Up as Invoker but not the passive

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I keep forgetting Cult alts are a thing in 62.
Then I remember and get excited all over again.

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if I hosted HoB which has cult alts would you join

Probably not.