Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

srsly tho it’s just a meme and i enjoy messing with ppl

i feel like using the word horny is not exactly violating pg13

BONK! Go to h*rny jail

yes i’m aware
it’s just i’m trying to expand this intricate fictional universe you are constructing

whoever said it was fictional?

my dear icky, you are sadly mistaken if you believe this all to be some silly fantasy of yours

i am not aware of the existence of horny prison
you’d have to do a lot to make me want to do any sort of hndhlding

bruh holding hands isn’t supposed to be sexy

r u saying if u get a romantic relationship u won’t even hold hands :pensive:

but horny prison is real alright, but not many have the qualifications to enter which is why it’s so unheard of

why would I want a romantic relationship

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(also you aren’t aware of the handholding joke
i will save this for further use)


you’ll have someone to spend time with who (hopefully) has the same mutual interests as you and it’d be fun/fulfilling probably?

idk r u really just not into any relationship at all or just never horny

b r u h

i demand you tell me this instant or be forcibly thrown into horny jail for life

It’s more that all my sexual functions work perfectly, so I am capable of being what straight people describe as “horny”, but because I don’t have an intense psychological need for sex it’s generally more of an inconvenience than anything else.

Hot Take handholding joke is overused

what’s the handholding joke

That handholding is nsfw act

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r u saying that the rest of us all have an intense psychological need for sex :thonk:

So like, I see something that my brain does recognise as sexy and my subconcious mind releases the chemicals that cause an erection, but my concious brain doesn’t feel the immediate need to have sex (or really any need beyond occasionally not being just an inconvenience).

The annoying thing is that the hormones released while being aroused are not pleasant for me, so generally I end up earthing the arousal through private methods.

compared to asexual people

ah, yes, handholding should definitely be banned in all 50 states and hopefully from the entire continent

god forbid i see a couple hold hands before 15 years of marriage