Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Y’all mind taking this to dm’s?


yeah sure

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The mere mention of handholding took it too far


why on earth would we ever take this to r/DankMemes


invite me there

lowkey kind of a bop tho

idk if it’s quite a banger

also i’ll leave it to ici to create the dm cause im lazy if he wants to keep talking abt it or w/e

chaotic evil

I actually have been looking for some new music to listen to. Getting tired of the same few playlists

If anyone knows any good folk, acoustic rock, alternative, etc

Hit me

i have a playlist im making for geyde if u want in

but it has like all different types of genres


Ahhh alright

I mean
I’ll check it out yeah

I need some new shit

of music

i was asking what genres. omegalul

oh lol

all sorts

there’s a decent bit of edm, some rap/hip hop, a synthwave or two, maybe a lofi in there

uhh just a lot

here’s th playlist for anyone who wants it and pls tell me what kind of songs u guys like/dislike cause im actually quite curious to know

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btw i quite enjoy my bops/bangers that i can put on repeat for ages so expect a lot of songs with just catchy beats or whatever

I dont recognize any of these songs by title/artist

Time to check em out


isn’t that just called a friendship

I listen mostly to heavy metal, hard rock, post-grunge, movie music and gospel.
And yes, thats a great mixture