Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

it goes off of words
not characters
so a 12 letter word will just completely ruin your attempt for a good score


gimme the site

fyi every error you make deducts 1 WPM


give me a few minutes to remember how to type

i actually go back to fix my mistakes

so did i

okay listen if you have to look at your keyboard while you’re typing
you’re doing something wrong

i dont think its physically possible to type at 100WPM and also look at your keyboard

i’ve memorized the entire qwerty layout
i just know when i hit the wrong key

i use the computer too much.

yes this is called being a nerd

i share this fate


also if you ever intentionally press the arrow keys
you are a nerd

i dont like the way this site looks

its a weird criticism but i type faster on other typing tests

but this site also has harder words so that prob helps

i have very situational use of them

arrow keys are like
“only if there’s no other option”
if some sadistic developer set the only options for something as arrow keys with no way to rebind whatsoever

wait i know what i dont like about this site

i cant ctrl backspace

which i do 99% of the time i make a typo ever

why not just
hit the backspace button

my brain prefers retyping the entire word as opposed to just backspacing, especially because sometimes i type fast enough that i don’t notice my typo until multiple letters later

idk i ctrl backspace a LOT

i just feel when i make a typo, so i almost never have to hit backspace more than 3 times in a row and can resume a word pretty easily

yeah but

a lot of the time i make a typo my brain doesn’t completely process where to resume in a word

but it knows it fucked up

so it just starts over