Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I agree with marshal p much

We often disagree, and you can be bold in arguments when on the offensive
But you’re always just
Which is a p rare quality nowadays

I dont know most of the community well enough to make comments like this for them

priestess would be proud

wow arete are you a crowned missionary

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worlds fucked
being real is by extension is uh
heavy i guess is the word???


they’re the missionary to my heart xoxo

You usually say what we are all thinking but are too afraid to say

it’s just sometimes there’s a good reason for not saying some things

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exact same words I used to describe them
I think I actually told them directly about this

i only got god and his judgement to fear so

ain’t no strings on me yknow

I’m like
one of the people you very easily could make a callout post on due to my “questionable attitudes”
so I expect to be on that list

not to my memory
but it probably came up

fairly certain it was on discord dms a while back
won’t talk further because duh

Actually geyde you are one of the people I respect more

I think your flaws you think too low of yourself and are sometimes insensitive in certain situations

neither bother me directly so I have barely anything written for you

45678th poster gets complimented by Marshal

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in the reply pfp the crocodile picture is showing and i hate it

@Marshal add me back to that PM if u have some time to talk now. Want to give some pre-context and explain some misconceptions u have about me

I don’t know why the forum works like that
either that or it’s my stand

Welcome back N.1

Did you know the Blinding Bald FE rom hack came out like a bit ago

Hacks are something i treat myself to p rarely
Might do it soon tho
Mangs is a G

And moulder the boulder, nuff said