Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

something something stand joke something something

haha this comment really makes me pose menacingly

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i was gonna say something very similar but marshal already complimented me, no fair

You’re consistently reliable and a great friend that one can’t really lose unless they bend over backwards to piss you off

Which is appreciated

I’ll not ask for my flaws
I have some pretty deep flaws, but I’m aware of them
On some of them I’m working heavily.
With some others of them I’m okay in certain situations, but I need to learn to not accidentally use them

it’s most likely your fault that i memorized the entire eggman announcement

ur like coolest dude on forums, so no.

hit me with it

I think you get frustrated a little easily when someone is being irritating/something irritating is happening. Can’t really fault you for that, it’s just something i’ve noticed. Otherwise, you are just a great guy.

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:man_shrugging: its not wrong. Im trying to improve so maybe ill get away from it

It’s the effort that matters.

the bigger they are, the smaller they aren’t
until they are
and then they’re small

anyone who plays BotC and knows the name “Italy” probably has me banned from deviant

and that’s totally understandable

mine is terminal case of being fockin creepy

that is not a bad thing


Call me out, Marsh-san.

I… kinda already know what mine is?
Being notorious means that the only thing I don’t expect to hear are compliments.

Welcome to my world.