Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I don’t know you that well and you seem like a cool person so I don’t have anything negative to say about you.

That explains the second statement :’)

My opinion on FK:
If he doesn’t troll -> Listen to what he has to say.
If he trolls -> Kill on sight. (0.5 Grudge from VCFM.)

…I suddenly realize that I don’t know / remember FK so well.

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Zone what’s the .5 grudge from

I swear it wasn’t VCFM

I dunno. I remember we had a long, long grudge history… and then it became 1.5 and after one of your deaths, it became a 0.5 grudge. So… yeah. Dunno what to do with that.

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We could do a bet type deal where if I win it gets erased and if you win it becomes 1

Then I don’t remember either. Must be from some other FM that I have forgotten.
The only thing that I remember is that I see it every time I look at my profile account on this site.

…nah. I’m pretty sure we once had a discussion about this as well.
The 0.5 will turn into 0 the next time we play together… because all it does right now is give more bias towards your actions, which… is pretty normal?

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As far as I’m concerned whatever Marshal believes is my flaw is wrong
Yes, that’s right

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Guess I’ll just have to do it without dramatic effect then:

I’m taking a break from forums due to exams being annoying but unfortunately that doesn’t make them any less important. Bye!



wait no come back

B-But… exams…

exams r dum

but unfortunately more important than forum mafia


Oh, right, I should probably also say for how long I’ll be on exams break:

4 entire days.

It’ll be torture.

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Good luck on your exams!

also good luck reading the 3000 cookie thread posts that will happen while you are gone

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@Marshal wait do me next

do me do me

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Why is your pic a snake but giraffe