Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

…? Out of all people, you’re the only one to be able to cope with my bad attitude, so I always think of you in high regard.

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RIP @katze

What do you guys think of the protagonist of a game or movie dying early on in the sequel?
Question of the week.

Idrc, as long as the story is good.

Depends on the game or movie, but if the OG protagonist was engaging and loved by the fans, then it would probably suck if they die early in the sequel. If they are not loved; good to see that they finally die.

Game of Thrones Season 1 flashbacks.

Hit me up.
Also I really hope that the day never comes to be honest, you are fun to be around.

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I like to believe I have no flaws


(Note: This post is a joke and intentionally ironic)

I like to believe you

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try me


I am also one of the people you could easily make a call-out post against. Instead of marshal doing one, I’ll do one on myself :’)

When I get an idea that I really want to do, I become bull-headed and don’t listen to reason, even if I know I should.

I over-think problems and how to solve them. Instead of approaching the problem simply one step at a time, I go for the more complex way of solving it.

Even though I don’t like hurting other people’s feelings, I often don’t think about what I’m saying before I say it. This causes several issues where I offend others due to what I say, even though I don’t really mean to.

I get offended and defensive easily.

Sometimes when I see something, I dislike it on a subjective level however objectively I still realize it’s a good idea. Example:Objectively it is a great idea for us to slowly introduce the community to not using the word ‘lynch’ by recommending hosts to not use it, however I hate the idea of making rules apply to one set of people over the other.

There’s more to the list I’m sure but I can’t think of anything else right now :’)

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I think your things with your crush is slightly obsessive and not something to bring to the forums.

Otherwise, you are cool as always

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Well, you’re not wrong.

I was hoping for a little more so I could take a break with dramatic effect.

Oh yeah, one of my biggest flaws is that I hate being thought of badly.

If I didn’t have this flaw though, I’m pretty sure I would never have started to try to improve in Forum Mafia. I hated the fact that other people thought that I was terrible/just a memer in forum mafia.

It’s also why I don’t post as much in forum mafia, because people used to call me ‘SpamKitten’, and in my mind I associated that word negatively.


Same as me.

Opposite of me; I think of the easiest answer possible and go along with it until there is a new problem.

Eh… kinda same as me?

Kinda same as me. Depends on my mood.