Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I like my name but I dislike how its become… uh… idk how to say it

I dont know any other Chloes who spell it with a C
Lots of Kloe now (and i despise that)

never gonna say goodbye

never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

is that actually a thing
today i learned something

and i hate it too




yeah okay we’re out of lyrics

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Oh I’ll do that for next time, thanks


Why do people do this to me

why did we do this at 6/7am

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Oh thank fuck

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italy what is wrong with us

I keep getting undercut by this same person
Can he stop wasting my gold on posting fees pls


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italy: never gonna give you up
also katze: never gonna give you up
italy again: never gonna give you up
katze: fuck you

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i don’t get it why would you change the way it’s spelled originally

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if you had to date one person on the forums who would it be and why :^)

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Does anyone call you Marty


i like how whenever we found a theme we posted something similar

no thank god

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