Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

It would be myself

Because we get along

I mean at least its not actual undercutting. If you are planning to seriously play AH, list your auctions for 12h to drop deposit fees since you will be cancelling them anyway.
Also you might consider spreading your auctions, like, list them as stacks of 40/50 at a time. It makes ‘undercutting’ easier. You don’t have to drop the price anymore.

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i was gonna post “go the fuck to sleep”, i had it copied already

and then you linked him reading the other book i was gonna link next

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none of my foreign friends call me by my actual name

I do list them for 12h but somehow TSM shows 24h

I just see you as Vul

Martin makes sense but
Youre Vul
Youre vul
Hi vul

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why are you awake

Because im not asleep

Next q

I need to check if Auctionator has been updated because I can’t force myself to mess with TSM operations, even though I know that it would be a lot easier and would save more time in general.
Seriously, if the herbs are cheap just check Undermine Journal and craft with Silas’.

You don’t even have to rand Prosperity to profit.

Auctionator is broken unfortunately
So I moved to TSM

and that’s valid i accept it

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If Anstreim and Arete were drowning and you could only save one

would be weird as hell irl

I’d save arete

Ans wouldnt even survive if i tried

Last I checked it was in alpha so they are working on it. Manual listing isn’t as bad either if you are only working with one market but its a bit tiresome because there’s no mass delisting.

I’ve only been crafting with Silas rn
Zin’anthlid is at like 94% base price rn

I’ve only started doing AH 2 days ago