Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Also the control F UI in particular is still p bad
But it’s tolerable for sure given the upsides

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im not really sure
Maybe the new tab page UI? Idk
I disabled all of that stuff

#1 Rule of Fight Club: Don’t talk about Fight Club.

Katze has been Jettisoned!
They were [REDACTED]

Do it and send proof.
I dare you.

I guess even the furries need a savior :sunglasses: .

some times
people exist
is this a problem?

Wolfy pop-in

First exam went well

Wolfy pop-out


also pfp issue fixed

Now I’m thinking of something I would never have thought about otherwise.
How dare you.

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this week on “ici fucked up”- i realized that I was convinced some maths questions were really tedious because I halved the period of trigonometric graphs, somehow convinced that sin(x) intersects the graph at pi/2


there were actually half as much complexity to the questions as I thought there was
they were actually really easy

wow, i feel fucking old
you’ve been on this forum almost two years longer than me
and i took calc iii almost three years ago

No harm intended but that just triggered a mood for me

yes I do not understand your american class names
please understand

Multivariable / vector calc. we call it calc iii here

The last in a series of non-proof math courses engineers take
along with differential equations and linear algebra

if you were equating it to years, i guess you’d take this 3 years after algebra 2 (which you’re presumably in now, as it sounds like you’re focusing on rudimentary trigonometry and that is def algebra 2)

we’ve just gotten to radian measure
i do know quite a bit more but i keep making simple errors on the basic stuff