Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

You’re even more of a heretic than I thought

Only proof Unseen is the better faction


ans you do not have the right to make any comments about food because you don’t eat anything


i however
eat everything

and ans and i have very similar opinions

he can say anything he wants

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I uh, tried to wear my usual pants today.
They are too big even though I don’t feel like I lost any weight in the past months.
So you are right.

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Can I convert?

We don’t have brussel sprouts here (frequently)

please take care of yourself :orange_heart:

loads gun with religious intent



Raw? Hell no

Cooked well? Absolutely

Speaking of cooking

I have cooked something

I have done the food

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We be proud

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Also aren’t air fryers just convection ovens with a fan

What’s the hype about

smaller and cook faster

we go to the mountains every winter and (usually) the beach every summer, and we can bring it along

can i have the 45678th post


say please

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insert “no” meme here

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well since you asked so nicely

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please can i have the 45678th post

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