Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

It baffles me how anyone could dislike brussel sprouts more than lima beans

I can’t stand cooked veggies

Raw veggies, maybe

My sister wants to grill the onions
I’m stealing onion pieces from her plate before she can throw them in the pan
It makes her crazy

My least favorite vegetable is probs beets
The taste is in no way worth the really annoying aftereffects.

actually I don’t like onions or peppers cooked either

No :rage:


I literally can’t bring myself to eat brussels sprouts

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There aren’t really any foods I really, really hate, except for Macaroons (Not Macarons), Beets, Bleu Cheese Dressing, Basically all Shellfish (octopus most of all), and Sunflower Butter.

There’s not much food I like
I love most italian vegetarian food, and german meat
I refuse to eat anything else than german/italian

what have we done wrong to raise such a troubled bread

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We need to eat her
But she ate these gruesome sprouts
We can’t




If we simply remove the digestive intestines…

Brussels sprouts with a little bit of olive oil in the air fryer

Then add some bacon
Freaking amazing

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I heard that someone was dissing one of the best foods here.
Brussel haters all have atrocious tastes, it’s confirmed.

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you dont eat pasta

you have no right to judge taste


he doesnt eat spaghetti

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At least you didn’t say the s-word.
That would be vile.

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and hes right not to

spaghetti bad

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Sometimes I feel like we are the only two sane people here when it comes to food tastes.

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